You heal best when you are comfortable.
Villa at Middleton Village has everything our guests need to have a comfortable stay.
Laundry service
Pet visitation
Beauty salon/
Barber shop
Reading materials
Premium TV
Free Wifi
The following amenities await you at
Villa at Middleton Village
- Arts and crafts materials
- Beauty salon/barber shop
- Premium TV
- Complimentary Wi-Fi access
- Computer lounge
- Daily activities
- Daily newspaper delivery
- Family lounge areas
- Flat-screen televisions
- Games
- iPads for personal use
- Laundry service
- Library
- Outdoor patio
- Pet visitation
- Piano
- Reading materials
- Snack shop
- Transportation to nearby physician appointments, hospitals, shopping, restaurants, and other services
Some amenities may be unavailable due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Villa at Middleton Village has close working relationships with physicians, nurses, and discharge planners from all area hospitals.